Making a difference
The Hanka Education Centre in Mathare Slum was founded in 2009 to provide slum kids with Primary Education (Grade 1 to 8 ).
"It all began with four voluntary teachers caring for twenty children. In the past years, the number of teachers increased to nine, now responsible for 168 students. So far, the Hanka Centre managed to separate the huge hall it originally was into individual classrooms, to cover the floor with concrete paving and to provide breakfast as well as lunch for the children. However, serious challenges still remain: Due to a lack of desks, some of the children have to sit on the floor, making it almost impossible to write, furthermore, they are short of pens, pencils, other stationary supplies and textbooks, which are only available for teachers. All of the teachers at Hanka Centre are voluntary interns.
At Going Green we will continue to support this important project. We strongly believe this is an environmental solution that can reduce inequality, build resilience to the climate crisis, and reduce emissions all at the same time. It's called educating young girls and women.
An undeniable fact according to nonprofit group Project Drawdown, investing in universal education and family planning in low and middle income countries could reduce emissions by 85.42 gigatons by 2050. That's about a decade's worth of China's emissions.
Girls who have been to school grow up to be empowered women and are not forced into early marriage. They tend to have healthier, smaller families, thereby reducing emissions well into the future. Think of Christiana Figueres, the U.N. diplomat who led negotiations for the Paris Agreement. Or Hilda Heine, the former president of the Marshall Islands, who has shown the world the impact of climate change is having in the Pacific. And look as well to the female leaders of the youth climate movement.
Read more:
Another important project/company that Going Green Together supports
Going Green Together is helping to alleviate poverty by continuing to participate (14 yrs) in the Kiva program ( This organization through the support of the lenders provides micro loans ($25) to small business owners as well as educate business owners on how to manage and grow their business thereby creating an opportunity for themselves as well as others. The ripple effect is significant and can shape the future for a family or an entire community.
So, why is it Important for Companies to be Eco-Friendly?
There are many ethical and practical reasons companies must be committed to being leaders in the environmental space. First and foremost is the reality that we only have one planet, and we all share it. All businesses have an impact on the planet, and that impact affects all of us.
Companies use huge amounts of our planet’s resources, and they in turn have huge impacts. It’s critical that sustainability be at the core of their sourcing, production, and distribution to make sure the world we live in continues to be habitable for the people these companies benefit from.
We at Going Green Together is determined to make a difference. Our intention is to sell quality products that :
- Are energy savers
- Made from recycles materials
- Mostly organic
- Is Green & Sustainable &
- Do not harm the environment
Future project: To provide clean drinking water to:
- Our First Nations People and
- Communities in need worldwide
Phase 1:
- Feasibility study - Planned for Spring 2023